The Bloody Mummers are recalled back to King's Landing and fight their but they break and start raiding, looting, raped, and pillaging.

This is reported to Robb Stark by Lord Jaeson Mallister.Ĭerise rehires the Brave Companions and sends them out to reek havoc on the Riverlands, after they put back Edmure in Riverrun. The Brave Companions are said to have Sacked Maidenpool and the reports say that they raped, and killed. He joined the cast as a guest star in the third season. In Game of Thrones, he played Locke, a renamed version of the popular character of Vargo Hoat from the A Song of Ice and Fire novels. Later the Brave Companions capture men from, House Mallister, Blackwood, Bracken, and Glover. He also starred in the film 'Lara Croft: Tomb Raider' with fellow 'Game of Thrones' star Iain Glen.

When Tywin leaves he keeps the Brave Companions with Ser Gregor Clegane. The Brave Companions are payed by Tywin Lannister to be a pillaging party in the Riverlands, some do accompany Ser Armory Lorch when he captures men from Yoren's party, along with Arya. It is unknown what their leader was before but some fans think it could have been Prince Oberyn Martell. The Brave Companions were a sellsword company founded before Vargo Hoat.